
Dr Ho Chung Ping, Medical Director, has produced an ipad apps called Diabetic Nephropathy Clinical Decision Support. The user just needs to enter a patient’s age, gender, serum creatinine and the race.The iPad will then calculate the eGFR according to the MDRD equation, stratify the CKD staging (from stage 1 to 5) and then list out the suggested plan for the diabetic and renal disease management for the reference of the doctors.

Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a common and serious complication of diabetes mellitus. In the Western world DN is the leading cause of progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). According to the Hong Kong Central Renal Registry, 47% of patients undergoing dialysis treatment in the HA suffered from diabetic nephropathy. Early and vigorous treatment of diabetic nephropathy will prevent or delay the development of end-stage diabetic nephropathy.

This clinical tool was first introduced to the doctors in the YTM community network in the scientific program ‘Management of diabetic nephropathy’ on 14 March, 2012 and was warmly rceived.  The medical profession can be download the apps for free.

The video of the lecture was hosted in the YouTube and the readers can watch the video for more detailed information.